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文章来源:学生工作办公室袁敬     发布时间:2023年02月28日     点击数:

何德东,男,博士,副教授,博士生导师,1989年8月生,安徽全椒人。云南省中青年学术技术带头人后备人才,云南省优秀青年基金获得者。研究专业为环境催化与能源催化。先后主持国家自然科学基金(2项)、云南省重大专项课题(1项)、云南省自然科学基金(2项)、云南省学术带头人后备人才基金(1项)等纵/横向科研项目9项。获2019年度云南省优秀博士学位论文,2020年度中国有色金属工业科学技术奖二等奖。以第一/通讯作者在Nature Communications、Applied Catalysis B等发表学术论文49篇(SCI论文40篇,中科院1区TOP论文17篇),出版学术专著1部,参与出版国家标准1项。









2020.10-至今 昆明理工大学,化学工程学院,副教授

2019.09-2020.07 中国科学技术大学,微尺度物质科学国家研究中心,访问学者

2017.08-2020.10 昆明理工大学,化学工程学院,讲师(高层次人才引进)

2012.09-2017.06 昆明理工大学,环境工程专业,博士研究生

2015.11-2016.11 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学,工程学院,博士联合培养(国家公派)

2008.09-2012.06 安庆师范大学,资源环境学院,本科












1.Zijun Huang,Dedong He*, Huawei Deng, Guowu Jin, Ke Li, Yongming Luo*, Illustrating new understanding of adsorbed water on silica for inducing tetrahedral cobalt(II) for propane dehydrogenation,Nature Communcations2023, 14:100.(*通讯作者,1区TOP期刊,IF=17.694)

2.Guowu Jin, Ke Li, Lei Zhang, Yongming Luo, Dingkai Chen*,Dedong He*, In situ observation of the promoting effect of H2S on the formation of effcient MoS2catalyst for CH4/CO2reforming,Separation and Purifcation Technology308 (2023) 122883. (*通讯作者,1区TOP期刊,IF=9.136)

3.Yimin Zhang, Yun Zu,Dedong He*, Jun Liang, Linhua Zhu, Yi Mei, Yongming Luo*, The tailored role of“defect” sites on γ-alumina: A key to yield an effcient methane dry reforming catalyst with superior nickel utilization,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental315 (2022) 121539.(*通讯作者,1区TOP期刊,IF=24.319)

4.Chengming Huang, Dingmei Han, Linjie Guan, Linhua Zhu, Yi Mei,Dedong He*, Yun Zu*, Bimetallic Ni-Zn site anchored in siliceous zeolite framework for synergistically boosting propane dehydrogenation,Fuel307 (2022) 121790.(*通讯作者,1区TOP期刊,IF=8.035)

5.Shuang Yang,Dedong He*, Liming Zhang, Yaliu Zhang, Jichang Lu, Yongming Luo*, Toxic chromium treatment induce amino-assisted electrostatic adsorption for the synthesis of highly dispersed chromium catalyst,Journal of Hazardous Materials417 (2021) 126155. (*通讯作者,1区TOP期刊,IF=14.224)

6.Yunxiang Nie, Xujun Wang, Jinfeng Dai, Chi Wang,Dedong He*, Yi Mei*, Mutual promotion effect of SO2and NOx during yellow phosphorus and phosphate rock slurry adsorption process,AIChE J.2021;e17236.(*通讯作者,IF=4.167,化工顶刊)

7.Yi Mei, Jinfeng Dai, Xujun Wang, Yunxiang Nie*,Dedong He*, Novel low-temperature H2S removal technology by developing yellow phosphorus and phosphate rock slurry as absorbent,Journal of Hazardous Materials413 (2021) 125386.(*通讯作者,1区TOP期刊,IF=14.224)

8.Yun Zu*, Linjie Guan, Zhongsen Guo, Chengming Huang,Dedong He*, Yi Mei, Deep removal of thiophene and benzothiophene in low-sulfur fuels over the efficient CeAlSBA-15 adsorbent synthesized by sequential alumination and cerium incorporation,Chemical Engineering Journal416 (2021) 127984.(*通讯作者,1区TOP期刊,IF=16.744)

9.Y. Nie, S. Li, J. Dai,Dedong He*, Y. Mei*, Catalytic effect of Mn2+, Fe3+and Mg2+ions on desulfurization using phosphate rock slurry as absorbent,Chemical Engineering Journal390 (2020) 124568.(*通讯作者,1区TOP期刊,IF=16.744)

10.Y. Nie, J. Dai, Y. Hou, Y. Zhu, C. Wang,Dedong He*, Y. Mei*, An efficient and environmentally friendly process for the reduction of SO2by using waste phosphate mine tailings as adsorbent,Journal of Hazardous Materials388 (2020) 121748. (*通讯作者,1区TOP期刊,IF=14.224)

11.J. Lu, J. Liu, Y. Zhao,Dedong He*, C. Han, S. He,Y. Luo*, The identification of active chromium species to enhance catalytic behaviorsof alumina-based catalysts for sulfur-containing VOCabatement,Journal of Hazardous Materials384 (2020) 121289. (*通讯作者,1区TOP期刊,IF=14.224)

12.Dedong He, L. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Y. Mei, D. Chen, S. He, Y. Luo*, Recycling spent Cr-adsorbents as catalyst for eliminating methylmercaptan,Environmental Science & Technology52 (2018) 3669-3675.(1区TOP期刊,IF=11.357)

13.Dedong He, Y. Zhao, S. Yang, Y. Mei, J. Yu, J. Liu, D. Chen, S. He, Y. Luo*, Enhancement of catalytic performance and resistance to carbonaceous deposit of lanthanum (La) doped HZSM-5 catalysts for decomposition of methyl mercaptan,Chemical Engineering Journal336 (2018) 579-586.(1区TOP期刊,IF=16.744)

14.Dedong He, D. Chen, H. Hao, J. Yu, J. Liu, J. Lu, G. Wan, S. He, K. Li, Y. Luo*, Enhanced activity and stability of Sm-doped HZSM-5 zeolite catalysts for catalytic methyl mercaptan (CH3SH) decomposition,Chemical Engineering Journal317 (2017) 60-69.(1区TOP期刊,IF=16.744)

15.Dedong He, G. Wan, H. Hao, D. Chen, J. Lu, L. Zhang, F. Liu, L. Zhong, S. He, Y. Luo*, Microwave-assisted rapid synthesis of CeO2Nanoparticles and its desulfurization processes for CH3SH catalytic decomposition,Chemical Engineering Journal289 (2016) 161-169.(1区TOP期刊,IF=16.744)
